Fast, focussed support to improve patient outcomes
Research shows that patients have improved care when healthcare professionals use BMJ Best Practice. Filter below to find more about the wide range of improvements BMJ Best Practice can deliver.
Research shows that patients have improved care when healthcare professionals use BMJ Best Practice. Filter below to find more about the wide range of improvements BMJ Best Practice can deliver.
The CDSS [clinical decision support systems] integrated with BMJ Best Practice improved the accuracy of clinicians’ diagnoses. Shorter confirmed diagnosis times and hospitalization days were also found to be associated with CDSS implementation in retrospective real-world studies.
This evaluation showed how healthcare professionals used BMJ Best Practice to improve their clinical decision making at the point-of-care. In this evaluation healthcare professionals used BMJ Best Practice to improve care in differential diagnosis, management and follow up.
Three doctors from India share their experience of BMJ Best Practice, a decision-support tool for use at the point of care. They describe how they use the resource to manage a variety of conditions ranging from malaria to cholangitis and how it has helped them to practice evidence-based medicine.
This evaluation suggests that users of BMJ Best Practice need support in working up a diagnosis and want to access content in a structure that mirrors the clinical workflow. It also showed that many of the most popular topics were on emergency medicine—suggesting that the context of use is the emergency or critical care environment and that the content is being used to inform important and practical decisions in care.
The Hokkaido Centre for Family Medicine in Japan has long believed in the value of evidence to support its practice. Its staff have referred to it for many years to keep their knowledge current and to ensure that they provide the best possible care to their patients.
This evaluation showed that physicians saw the most value in BMJ Best Practice in helping them to improve their practice. They most appreciated clinically relevant content that was based on their needs, such as practical areas of history taking, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, investigation, management, and referral.